Your Donations
- ✓ provide the diagnostic and treatment equipment they need
- ✓ train Haitian personnel in the use and care of that equipment
- ✓ educate Haitian care providers in how to care for women and children in outpatient settings (rural or orphanage clinics)
- ✓ educate mothers/women on how to care for themselves and their children
- ✓ provide biomedical technology for maintenance of the equipment provided


Haitian hospital operating room needs:
- Two blanket warmers ($2000)
- Operating room lighting set ($1500)
- Suction/irrigation equipment ($1000)
- Two sets stackable step stools ($500)
- Anesthesia glide scope to share between PAP and La Gonave ($1500)
- Self-retaining retractor ($1000)

Clinical Equipment:
- Two portable ultrasounds ($16,000 at cost from SonoSite); a printer + ultrasound paper ($1000)
- Two fetal monitors ($1000)
- Two birthing beds ($10,000)
- Cervical cancer screening equipment ($30,000) Luviva* requires no pap smear or biopsy and determines a pre-cancer change on the cervix instantly, making it ideal for use in Haiti. *Luviva will donate a second one with our purchase of the first.
- Pediatric endoscope ($10,000) to perform gastro-intestinal evaluation of children

Needs for the orphanage’s Rural Medical Clinic and Pharmacy:
Including: furnishings, computer, pharmacy start-up contents, start-up nursing support; back-up power source, totaling $21,000.
How will my donation impact women and infants in Haiti?
Every day women and their children are dying in Haiti because of a lack of medical care and equipment. NOW, lives are being saved with the equipment and training provided by IWISH Foundation, with your help! For more information see News & Stories.

Please Donate Now
IWISH is an all-volunteer organization with very little overhead. You can be assured your donations are being spent to support our sustainable healthcare efforts. IWISH is a U.S. 501(c)3 Charitable Organization. 100% of your donation is tax deductible.

IWISH volunteers have donated over 60,000 hours in underdeveloped countries touching lives, inspiring, and being inspired. Join us! Skills needed in Haiti and in Michigan to support our all-volunteer work.
Travel with us:
- ✓ Doctors, Nurses, Anesthesiologists, Bio-medical Techs, Chiropractors, OB/GYN, Pediatrics, Medical students, and more. Contact us!
Help out in Michigan:
- ✓ You don’t have to travel to Haiti to volunteer with IWISH! We need medically knowledgeable people to help with procurement and preparation for shipment of medical supplies and equipment. Contact us!

Thank You to all of our supporters!
- Kate Cardinali, Innovative Media – ongoing donation of print media design
- Sam Lewis, Web Contempo – website design and support
- Midland United Church of Christ, with ongoing support from the Dorman/Jenkins fund
- Nichol Krupp, Nichol Krupp Photography
- Chapel Lane Presbyterian in Midland, Michigan
- Andrews Hooper Pavlik PLC, lending the accounting expertise of Laura Ebel
- ITECH (International Training and Education Center for Health – University of Washington’s Department of Global Health)
- Sonosite: high quality portable ultrasounds are loaned to us for our mission trips. The machines we have purchased from them have been able to endure years of use in extremes of heat and humidity.
- McLaren Bay Region Medical Center: generous donations of equipment, surgical and perinatal supplies, as well as printing our brochures
- Womens OBGYN, PC.- Donated ultrasound and fetal monitoring equipment
- Stryker Corp. donated Laparoscopic Equipment
- Cook Medical donations of Bakri Balloons for postpartum hemorrhage prevention
- John Tully, photojournalist
Connect with us
We would love to hear from you. Feel free to contact us via the info below, and connect on social media.
IWISH Foundation
PO BOX 2269
Midland, MI 48641